Thursday, October 21, 2010

GLAAD Spirit Day - Plus Size Daily Outfit

 In honor of GLAAD's Spirit Day yesterday, I donned my purple in remembrance of the young men who have recently committed suicide. 

Unfortunately, my camera decided not to cooperate with me yesterday afternoon, so I thought I would do a Polyvore set to show you what I wore.

 Did you participate in Spirit Day?  I would love to see how you incorporated purple in your outfit!


  1. I did! I wore a purple sweater vest. I only got a headshot but you can still see the vest on my blog.

    A lot of the other bloggers I follow wore purple also. It made me happy to see all that solidarity.

  2. Sure did! For my daytime outfit, my running outfit and my yoga outfit!

  3. Ms. Ten - I loved seeing so many others wearing purple too!

    fashionflirt - You overachiever, you! : )
